March 16 – No Ride (Unless you want to)

By March 11, 2013Old Rides

Ok it might be sleety, Rainy, snowy, who knows. So I’m calling off the ride for Saturday.
It’s on for Sunday though!
Now if you WANT to ride Saturday, post up below.

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • JWDAdmin says:

    Testing out the comments. Feel free to publish something if you’re in!

  • asmall says:

    Didn’t realize I had to register first. I’m in for this weekend. If it’s raining Saturday I doubt I’ll ride. Looking forward to it.

  • jlyman says:

    Andy…I can’t beleive a little rain would hold you back. You should embrace the bad weather. Come on, lets see you on the new rig

  • Lenny says:

    In for Sunday if Saturday does not work out. Looks like it will be pretty bad out actually

  • jlyman says:

    The latest forcast on is for rain to stop at 12:00 am 10% of precip after that and temp mid-30s at 8:00 am….perfect weather, but on your leg warmers and lets do it.

  • asmall says:

    Jim I am not as hard core as your are these days. Hope to see you Sunday. I could not stay warm today at all. brrrrrrr……